2020 has been a difficult year all around and Fatboys Charity, like so many other charities, has been hit financially by the pandemic.
Our annual fundraiser could not happen this year and as you know, we are totally dependent on the kindness and generosity of others to enable us to purchase gifts at Christmas for children dealing with cancer and leukaemia throughout the UK.
The upshot is, this is going to make it a challenging year for us to do what we do every Christmas.
But we are going to make it happen.
Usually at this point in the year we would ask for our volunteer Elves to come forward to undertake our face to face deliveries, but of course, that is impossible this year. So we are going to ask for your help in a different way.
If you would usually be an Elf, or bid on one of our auctions, or purchase a ticket for an event, or if you just pop a fiver in one of our buckets, please PLEASE could you donate a pound or two into our Just Giving page? If all of our supporters on this page gave just £1, we would raise nearly £2,000 which is a HUGE amount to such a small charity.

So here's the link. It takes minutes but it makes such a huge difference. Thank you: https://www.justgiving.com/fatboyscancercharity/donate